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from // Johann Pachelbel::‘Kanon’
1.It sparkles in your eyes, 
(一、    それは輝いて見える) 
2.When it's cr
awling away. 
(二、    這いつくばって逃げている時に) 
3.Just wait until it's saved from all the sins behind. 
(三、    それが今まで犯した罪から救われるまでただ待って) 
4.Never have mer
(四、    絶対に情けをかけるな) 
5.Even if it asks for that. 
6.Do not touch their heart,
But only steal them away. 

Pray for pardon. 
Pray for the repose. 

Beg for life, 
and Beg for sympathy. 
You never kno
w who the true foe is, 
so now just say "hello". 
And I say YES. 
But even so you shake your hea

And I say NO. 
But you never seem to nod. 
And I spread
my arms. 
Then you stab me i
n my chest. 
So, you'll never forget
about this, 
'cause I will be your night
mare just for now. 

7.Imagine in your eyes
(七、    その目で想像して) 
8.What could you do wi
th that blade
(八、    その刃で何が出来るかを) 
9.Oh, feed so
me blood and love so you'll never be the weak. 
(九、    二度と弱者にならない様に血と愛で餌付けて) 
10.Remember all the fear, 
(十、    覚えてる?) 
11.That they brought to you? 
(十一、    それらが貴方にもたらした全ての恐怖を) 
12.Now you shall pay the
m back, by giving them some sweet pain. 
(十二、    甘い痛みをもって今こそやり返せば良い) 

Don't you know that the judgment is made? 
So climb the 13th step. 

And I say YES. 
But you put your thumbs upside down. 
And I say NO. 
But you won't be with me. 
And I reach my hand. 
Then you slash my wrist. 
So, you'll regret about this
'cause I will be your nightmare just for── 

──O Lord, correct me, but with judgment. 
This is the condem
nation, that light is come into the world. 
Let love
be without dissimulation. 
The wages of sin is── 

──And I say YES. 
But even so
you shake your head. 
And I say NO. 
But you never seem to nod. 
And I s
pread my arms. 
Then you stab me in my chest. 
So, you'l
l never forget about this, 
ause I will be your nightmare just for── 

And I
say YES. 
But you put your thumbs upside down. 
And I say NO. 

But you won't be with me. 
And I reach my hand. 
Then you slash my wrist. 
So, you'
ll never forget about this, 
So, you'll regr
et about this forever, 
Don't think that you can get away with thi
'cause I will be
your nightmare forever! 






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